Off to Add Ventures

Events – Addventure Night

„Excellent Research is not a goal in its own right. Our research must serve a purpose and help society to deal effectively with challenges that arise from the digital revolution, the energy transition and the circular economy."

June 2024

First Addventure Night in Jülich: Bridging Science and Business

A successful launch: At the start of the year, experts from science and business gathered for the first Addventure Night at Forschungszentrum Jülich. The event's name, "Add Venture," was cleverly chosen to mean both "adding ventures" and "adventure."

“We aim to create more spin-offs from our research,” stated board member Dr. Peter Jansens during the opening. “And naturally, each startup is an adventure in itself.”

Keynote Talks: Insights on Innovation

Keynote talks by entrepreneurs, investors, and founders provided diverse perspectives on innovation. Featured speakers included Bram Wijlands, transfer specialist and managing director of Max-Planck-Innovation GmbH, Ansgar Schleicher, board member of the early-stage investor Techvision Fund, and Phillipp Bürling, CEO of the Jülich spin-off Priavoid.

Addventure Night: Building Partnerships for a Strong Future

»Scientists with brilliant ideas need partners to build companies, people with access to funding, business savvy, and a robust network.«

Prof. Peter Jansens
Board Member, Forschungszentrums Jülich

Partnering for Success: Supporting Scientists in Business Ventures

Participants then seized the opportunity to network, meet like-minded individuals, and discuss specific topics in themed cafés.

“Scientists with great ideas need partners to build companies, people with access to financial resources, business acumen, and strong networks,” said Jansens. Future events like this in Jülich are designed to help find the right partners for collaborative ventures.

Future Vision: More Events to Foster Innovation

“Innovation isn't the result of solo efforts but a collective process that links research with the market. Addventure Night created a space for this exchange. We will continue to build on this momentum,” emphasized Christian Cremer, head of the Innovation division.

Discover and Deliver Innovation at Forschungszentrum Jülich

Image: Ralf-Uwe Limbach / Forschungszentrum Jülich
Editorial: SeitenPlan

Pandas im Stadion

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Last Modified: 28.06.2024