Institute of Climate and Energy Systems (ICE)

The Institute for Climate and Energy Systems Research (ICE) is dedicated to advancing the understanding of and the solutions to some of the most pressing environmental challenges of our time – climate change and the energy transition. Our interdisciplinary approach integrates the study of climate system processes, including air pollution and its impacts, with the development and optimization of energy systems across technical, societal, and economic dimensions. By bridging these realms, we aim to foster innovative research that addresses the interconnected challenges of climate change and sustainable energy.

Institute of Climate and Energy Systems (ICE)
Research into climate system processes and the optimisation of energy systems are among the tasks of the Institute of Climate and Energy Systems.

On the energy systems front (ICE-1 and ICE-2), our research focuses on multi-scale energy grids (including power, energy, and gas), industrial systems, and buildings. We aim to develop scalable, cost-efficient, and safe methods for energy system operation from local to global scales. To this end, we develop integrated models and algorithms for the simulation, optimization, and control of energy systems with high variability and increasing intersectoral dependencies. Our interdisciplinary approach considers the economic, environmental, and social dimensions of energy transitions, examining the interplay of technologies, institutions, and stakeholders. We investigate the environmental impacts of various energy technologies and strive to develop sustainable solutions that minimize carbon footprints and enhance energy security, designing pathways towards sustainable energy futures.

Our climate research (ICE-3 and ICE-4) focuses on the physical and chemical processes that govern the Earth's atmosphere and drive climate change, with a particular focus on climate dynamics and air pollution, including their interactions. By developing and utilizing advanced observational techniques (for diverse ground-based, airborne, and satellite applications) and state-of-the-art modeling (using regional and global chemistry-climate models), we study the sources, transformation, and effects of air pollutants on local, regional, and global scales. On the climate dynamics side, we study the radiative and physical processes and feedback that determine the global to regional manifestations of climate change. Our goal is to improve predictions of climate change, the stratospheric ozone layer, and air pollution and its impacts, thereby providing an evidence-base for effective mitigation and adaptation strategies.

Our mission is to ultimately to contribute to a sustainable future by advancing knowledge and technology at the nexus of climate and energy. Through our research, we seek to inform policy, support public engagement, and drive innovation that addresses the global challenges of climate change and energy sustainability.

Managing Director

  • Institute of Climate and Energy Systems (ICE)
  • Stratosphere (ICE-4)
Building 05.2 /
Room 3037
+49 2461/61-96602

Website of the Instituts

Institute of Climate and Energy Systems (ICE)


Last Modified: 01.07.2024