Get access to new technologies

Our technology offerings encompass a wide range of innovations and research findings that have the potential to address real-world challenges and create value in the marketplace.

Explore current technology offers at Forschungszentrum Jülich

At Forschungszentrum Jülich, we are committed to bridging the gap between scientific discoveries and practical applications. By exploring our technology portfolio, industry and business partners can identify promising inventions and technologies that align with their needs.

Our technology offers are exposés that help to discover new technologies and materials, open to licensing or collaboration with scienstists at FZ Jülich.

Technologies energy and climate research

Pioneers of the energy transition with technologies developed at FZ Jülich

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Technologies information, quantum computing and neuromorphic computing

Creating new applications and possibilities in information and quantum computing

Technologies the sustainable bioeconomy

How technologies from FZ Jülich contribute to a sustainable economy

Last Modified: 26.06.2024