Power from the Field

Innovation – Photovoltaics

Agri-PV combines solar modules with agricultural land use. Picture this: solar panels above, crops below. Forschungszentrum Jülich is testing this innovative concept with two demonstration installations in the Rhineland region.

June 2024

Matthias Meier-Grüll, how does it work?

Meier-Grüll: Researchers are experimenting with three distinct Agri-PV systems. The first involves vertically fixed solar modules on a framework, leaving ample space for farm machinery. The second variant uses a tracking system, allowing the modules to follow the sun's trajectory.

Meier-Grüll: What sets the third method apart? Elevated structures akin to pergolas, with PV modules mounted on top, enabling plants to grow underneath. This setup is ideal for crops that thrive in shaded or rain-sensitive conditions.

»Shared use creates a win-win situation.«

Dr. Matthias Meier-Grüll
Institute for Bio- und Geosciences

What are the benefits of Agri-PV?

Meier-Grüll: The dual use of land presents numerous benefits. By optimizing land for solar power generation, Agri-PV can make a substantial impact on the energy transition. Meanwhile, agricultural yields remain stable or even improve. Solar roofs provide plant protection, and reduced evaporation due to shading cuts water consumption.

Interview with Prof. Ulrich Schurr on the future of agriculture (German)

What are the challenges ahead?

Meier-Grüll: Despite the promising progress, challenges persist. The German government has acknowledged the potential of Agri-PV, enhancing conditions through a 2023 amendment to the Renewable Energy Act (EEG), which includes financial incentives. Nevertheless, complicated building permit procedures still hinder swift expansion. Additional measures are needed to accelerate development.

Agri-PV: Research for a win-win situation (German)

percent of Germany's agricultural land equipped with elevated Agri-PV systems would be enough to meet the country's future electricity needs.

Source: Fraunhofer ISE

Image sources: Ralf-Uwe Limbach/ Sasche Kreklau/ Forschungszentrum Jülich
Editorial and graphics: SeitenPlan

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Last Modified: 28.06.2024