Mistakes Do Happen

Venture Building – The Precors Journey

Venturing into the world of startups is a bold move, and Vitali Weißbecker, founder of Jülich-based spin-off company Precors, knows this firsthand. In our interview, he shares insights into the challenges and triumphs encountered on the entrepreneurial path.

June 2024

From Concept to Company: Precors’ Founding Vision

Mr. Weißbecker, you founded your company in 2017. What inspired your business idea?

Weißbecker: Our focus was on certain components of fuel cells – specifically, the bipolar plates. These plates play a crucial role in fuel cell performance, but they need protection. We set out to find a cost-effective solution to enhance their efficiency and operational lifespan.

Developing Solutions and Finding Markets: The JUICE Program for Young Scientists

Can you elaborate on your innovative approach?

Weißbecker: Traditionally, bipolar plates were coated with rare or expensive metals like gold. The conventional methods were not only costly and energy-intensive—often requiring high vacuum or extreme temperatures—but also environmentally harmful due to the use of hazardous chemicals. Our breakthrough came with a carbon-based material derived from graphene. Applying this material to the plates was straightforward and cost-efficient. Imagine the simplicity of rubbing a pencil across paper – it creates a layer about 1,000 times thinner than a human hair, providing ideal protection.

»Solving a real market problem is crucial.«

Dr. Vitali Weißbecker
CEO of Precors GmbH

The Entrepreneurial Spark: From Corporate Life to Startup

What led you to start your own company?

Weißbecker: While working on my diploma thesis at an automotive company, I noticed inefficiencies in fuel cell technology for industrial applications. I also realized that corporate life didn't suit me—I wanted to pursue my own ideas. That's when the entrepreneurial seed was planted.

The opportunity presented itself in Jülich...

Weißbecker: Exactly. I completed my PhD at the Institute for Electrochemical Process Engineering under the supervision of Prof. Stolten, within the research group led by Prof. Lehnert. I delved deeper into the subject there, and it quickly became clear: this was a significant industrial challenge.

What motivated you to finally take the plunge?

Weißbecker: Along with colleagues Klaus Wedlich and Andreas Schulze Lohoff, we received funding through the federal EXIST Research Transfer program. This provided us with 250,000 euros to develop our technology without private financial risk but with necessary pressure to succeed.

Exploring Spin-offs at Forschungszentrum Jülich

»Entrepreneurship is a journey of constant learning, with 90% being a struggle—but it's worth it!«

Dr. Vitali Weißbecker
CEO of Precors GmbH

A last question: would you start a company again, and what advice do you have for future entrepreneurs?

Weißbecker: Absolutely! Three key points are essential: First, your idea must solve a real market problem. Second, the solution should be straightforward. Third, maintain a strong focus. Instead of attempting to solve multiple problems at once, focus on solving one problem effectively and swiftly. Once you have a solid foundation, everything else will follow.


Bildnachweis: Precors/ Forschungszentrum Jülich
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Last Modified: 28.06.2024