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Venture Building – Strategy

In the dynamic landscape of technological advancements, bridging the gap between research laboratories and real-world applications is crucial. Forschungszentrum Jülich recognizes the transformative power of technology and actively fosters entrepreneurial value.

June 2024

Venture Building: A Collaborative Approach

Traditionally, research institutions focus on knowledge creation. However, Forschungszentrum Jülich takes a bold step by encouraging its scientists to become founders. By nurturing entrepreneurial mindsets, the center empowers researchers to translate their breakthroughs into market-ready innovations.

But it doesn’t stop there—external entrepreneurs also play a crucial role. Through strategic partnerships with Company Builders, Forschungszentrum Jülich licenses its cutting-edge technologies, accelerating their journey to commercial viability.

A dual strategy for spin-offs

Venture Building, a concept gaining prominence at Forschungszentrum Jülich, involves a dual strategy:

Scientist-Founders: Our own researchers take the entrepreneurial plunge, translating their scientific breakthroughs into viable start-ups.

External Involvement: We collaborate with external entrepreneurs, inviting them to license our institute’s technologies or intellectual property. These Company Builders independently drive innovations to market maturity.

Developing and using new technologies and methods from Forschungszentrum Jülich

Start-ups are the lifeblood of innovation. They explore uncharted territory, disrupting established norms. Forschungszentrum Jülich recognizes their pivotal role in driving technological breakthroughs, addressing structural shifts, and advancing the energy transition. By fostering a start-up ecosystem, the center fuels progress beyond the lab.

Ecosystem: Starting aid for start-ups

of FZ Jülich's spin-offs have successfully established themselves in the market

including aufgekaufter oder umfirmierter Ausgründungen

Unlocking untapped potential

Jülich's ventures, whether born within the center or through external collaborations, contribute to economic growth, job creation, and societal progress. However, Prof. IR. Peter Jansens, a board member at Forschungszentrum Jülich, believes there’s untapped potential.

Prof. Jansens, what role does Venture Building play at Forschungszentrum Jülich?

Jansens: It is a crucial tool for knowledge transfer and innovation. Thankfully, Forschungszentrum Jülich is generating an increasing number of start-ups. Many of our scientists are already leveraging this tool, but I firmly believe we haven't yet reached our full potential

»Starting one’s own company should be just as desirable as pursuing a career in academia or industry.«

Prof. IR. Peter Jansens
Member of the board of directors at Forschungszentrum Jülich

So it is important to engage more in this area?

Jansens: Absolutely. Spin-offs are a hotbed for innovations, willing to take risks that established companies might avoid. They can drive technological breakthroughs and societal changes, such as structural transformation or the energy transition.

Discover spin-offs at Forschungszentrum Jülich

What are your plans to further strengthen Venture Building?

Jansens: First, we will enhance our support services for founders, possibly through partnerships with local universities. More importantly, we need to inspire our young talents to embrace entrepreneurship. Starting a company should be as attractive as pursuing a career in academia or industry.

Driving Research and Innovation Independently: Expert Guidance and Support for Aspiring Entrepreneurs at FZ Jülich

Ven|ture Buil|ding

[ˈvɛnt ͡ʃə ˈbɪldɪŋ ]

At Forschungszentrum Jülich, Venture Building is seen as the strategic creation and development of new companies to systematically implement innovation projects.

Image: Ralf-Uwe Limbach / Forschungszentrum Jülich
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Last Modified: 28.06.2024