Women in Science

Women in Science
Prof. Astrid Lambrecht

"Diversity and variety are key success factors for research, and I strongly believe that women should play an even greater role in shaping progress and change. In this context, we at Forschungszentrum Jülich are committed to making successful female scientists more visible and thus presenting female researchers with role models." Prof. Astrid Lambrecht (Chair of Forschungszentrum Jülich)

Take a look for yourself!

Insights into everyday working life

Honoured female scientists1

Insights into research1

Frauen in der Wissenschaft
Prof. Sacha van Albada (Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine)

1 Note: Further articles can be found on the German website.

In "Science online" colleagues also present their research on a weekly basis - numerous recordings of presentations are available (some of them also in English).

Prof. Regina Palkovits (Institute for a Sustainable Hydrogen Economy - Mesoscale ) in an interview on the topic of promoting female early-career scientists.

Further Information

Copyright der Bilder auf dieser Seite: Forschungszentrum Jülich / Sascha Kreklau

Last Modified: 11.06.2024