Excellent Postdocs Wanted

Applications being accepted for Helmholtz Young Investigator Groups

As in previous years, the Helmholtz Association (HGF) would like to enable excellent young scientists to establish their own research group at a Helmholtz centre and thus gain qualifications for a university career or a leading position in science. HGF provides funding of up to € 300,000 each per year for up to 9 young investigator groups at Helmholtz centres over a period of five years.


Postdocs who obtained their doctoral degree two to six years ago may apply for funding if their research has been proven to be excellent. Applicants who want to establish their own Helmholtz Young Investigator Group should have spent at least six months conducting research abroad. Scientists from outside the Helmholtz Association are eligible to apply. Applications from abroad are welcome.

Application outlines can be submitted via the heads of institute at Forschungszentrum Jülich until 22 February 2022.

Applications are filed by the Helmholtz centres in question. Forschungszentrum Jülich can recommend up to four candidates to the Helmholtz Association. In order to guarantee sufficient time for the internal selection procedure, Jülich postdocs who wish to apply should contact their respective heads of institute as early as possible. Their support for the application is a prerequisite for acceptance into the selection procedure. Please contact Dr. Katharina Klein (contact information below) immediately if you are interested in making an application.

Further information:

Call for applications from the Helmholtz Association

Institutes of Forschungszentrum Jülich


Dr. Katharina Klein

Corporate Development – Support for Young Researchers

Tel: +49 2461 61-85377

E-Mail: k.klein@fz-juelich.de

Last Modified: 22.05.2022