KSG2045 Study for Germany

Under the current Climate Protection Act, Germany is committed to becoming greenhouse gas neutral ("net zero") by 2045. Both the achievement of greenhouse gas neutrality and the shortening of the transformation period represent particular challenges compared to previous regulations. The question arises of methods and strategies to realize a greenhouse gas-neutral energy supply.

In this consideration, a greenhouse gas reduction scenario (KSG 2045) was analyzed, based on the reduction targets of the Climate Protection Act and applying the ETHOS model family developed at IEK-3. This made it possible to map the energy system on varying scales, including all interactions and pathways. The scenario developed is a cost-optimal strategy. For this purpose, a highly-detailed energy system model was used that depicts the national energy supply, from energy generation to sectoral energy consumption.

Further information about the scenario can be viewed by clicking on the buttons below.

Video of the Event (German):

Last Modified: 29.06.2024