Further Projects




The  Green-QUEST  project  aims  to  develop  a  viable,  sustainable  green  fuel  product  (green-LFG)  in  Southern Africa by combining technological process development with a holistic assessment of the technical, economic, environmental, and social dimensions along the entire green-LFG value chain. The  Green-QUEST  project  will  enable  the  establishment  of  new  and  the  strengthening  of  existing  working relationships  between  South  African  and  German  academic  partners  and  could  lead  to  lasting  strategic alliances  in  a  crucial  research  area  within  the  framework  of  the  German  government's  "National  Hydrogen Strategy".

Contact: Heidi Heinrichs


The objective of LOCALISED is to downscale national decarbonization trajectories consistent with Europe’s net-zero target to the local levels and provide the results to local authorities, citizens and businesses, in a way that would speed up the uptake of mitigation and adaptation actions. To this end, the project will create effective and clearly understandable tools that transform localised data on possible decarbonisation pathways by 2030 and 2050 into knowledge for action.

Project Webpage

Contact: Noah Pflugradt


The objective of BIC H2 is the procurement and deployment of a large fleet of fuel cell hybrid buses for public transport and establishment of a corresponding H2 infrastructure in the Cologne region.

Project Webpage

Contact: Thomas Grube


The objective of LOD-GEOSS is the Linked Open Data (LOD) and use of the Global Earth Observation System (GEOSS) in energy system analysis.

Project Webpage

Contact: Patrick Kuckertz


The objective of PIEG-Strom is the planning and integration of energy storage systems in building energy systems by creating a VDI guideline series with a focus on electrical power storage systems.

Project Webpage

Contact: Noah Pflugradt


The objective of the IEA technology initiative ETSAP is to apply model generators to further develop energy system models. Model generators can be used to design energy technology scenarios and thus derive recommendations for action to save energy and reduce emissions.

Project Webpage

Contact: Heidi Heinrichs


The objective of HyInnoSys is to provide inovation support measures for market preparation, networking and technology and knowledge transfer.

Project Webpage

Contact: Thomas Grube


The objective of the NFDI4ING consortium is to develop, disseminate, standardise and provide methods and services to make engineering research data FAIR. The associated research processes as well as the solutions themselves will only be sustainable if being accompanied by a proper research data management (RDM) that implements the FAIR data principles: data has to be Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Re-usable.

Project Webpage

Contact: Patrick Kuckertz


The objective of the MINFRA research project is to analyze the effects of climate targets on the energy system itself and the underlying infrastructures that change as a result of external conditions. To this end, quantitative analyses using the TIMES and NESTOR energy system models will be carried out to investigate the necessary system transformations.

Project Webpage

Contact: Felix Kullmann


The objective of the SEDOS research project is to map sector integration in energy system models in detail and to establish greater comparability of the models by means of open data. In addition to the orientation towards Open Science, the project thus has the goals of a joint development of a reference data set for the consideration of sector integration in energy system models for Germany as well as a coordinated model and system structure for three OS models (oemof, TIMES, FINE).

Project Webpage

Contact: Jann Weinand


The objective of HyUSPRe is to assess the technical feasibility, potential and risks of large-scale underground hydrogen storage in porous reservoirs in Europe. The techno-economic assessment, accompanied by environmental, social and regulatory perspectives for implementation, will allow for the development of a roadmap for hydrogen storage and indicate the role of large-scale hydrogen storage in achieving a greenhouse gas neutral energy system in EU by 2050.

Project Webpage

Contact: Theresa Groß

Last Modified: 29.06.2024