School Internships

Apart from classes for university students, IEK-3 offers training for school students from classes 9 to 12 in order to accommodate the increasing interest in a sustainable energy supply on the part of school students.

During one- to two- week internships, interested school students are introduced to the world of hydrogen and fuel cells. This gives them deeper insight into the production and storage of hydrogen and into the function and application of fuel cells for clean and efficient provision of electricity.

Opportunities for Students

IEK-3 Career Exploration Internship

Twice a year - before the Easter and the autumn vacations - IEK-3 offers a two-week internship. After a general introduction to the topic of "hydrogen and fuel cells", the students receive a safety briefing. Afterwards, the group of maximum four students is familiarized with the various laboratory activities of IEK-3. Competent institute staff will explain details about the motivation, function and objective of the laboratory experiments as well as about the evaluation and further use of the results. The laboratory activities offered provide an insight into the range of activities of an interdisciplinary research institute and its typical job profiles, from skilled worker and laboratory technician to technician, engineer and scientist.

JuLab Career Exploration Internship

As part of a one-week professional internship, the JuLab conducts the interdisciplinary project week "Fuel Cell". The procedures and results of the experiments carried out are to be recorded and presented. Depending on the character of the work, the practical activities are completed in the student laboratory, in the workshops of the Central Vocational Training or in the laboratories of IEK-3. Insights into various occupational profiles are offered.

Energy - Research for the Future

A life without television, computer, car... cold rooms in winter, unbearable heat in summer. This is unimaginable for us. In the "Energy" research week, students from grade 10 onwards explore the question of how an environmentally friendly energy supply can be guaranteed in the 21st century. A topic that concerns us all! For one week, the participants can look over the shoulders of Jülich scientists at work and do their own experiments! In the lab, fuel cells and solar cells and plants will be studied, and there will be interactive lectures on radiation and how to deal with it safely, as well as the challenges of nuclear fusion.

In addition, the students learn about the variety of professions and training opportunities at the research center.

Opportunities for School Classes

JuLab Theme Day: Fuel Cells - An Energy Concept for the Future

Within the framework of a one-day experiment, school classes work in small groups to investigate the efficiencies of low-temperature fuel cells with polymer membranes - a hydrogen-powered PEFC and a methanol-powered DMFC. They also document, present, and discuss their results in light of the objectives of the research question. They then visit IEK-3: Electrochemical Process Engineering, which has been working on fuel cells for more than 20 years, and learn about other problems that Jülich scientists are currently researching.

Last Modified: 29.06.2024