„Helmholtz Enterprise“ supports spin-off of the IBG-1

Dr. Stephan Binder and Dr. Georg Schendzielorz receive 260,000 EUR from the Helmholtz Association and the Forschungszentrum Jülich in the framework of the "Helmholtz Enterprise" to support a spin-off from the IBG -1.

The research team developed the “High-Throughput Screening & recombineering technology” (HTSR) as a key technology for the accelerated development of highly productive microorganisms for the production of amino acids, organic acids and biopharmaceuticals. The HTSR technology allows the analysis of up to 50,000 microorganisms per second and the direct isolation of suitable strain variants, substantially shortening strain development times in comparison to conventional methods.

The applicability of HTSR could already be successfully demonstrated in the case of the economically important microbial production of amino acids. Due to the great interest of the industry in a cost-saving accelerated strain development, the chances of success for the spin-off company can be regarded as high.

Further Information:

Pressemitteilung der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft: "Starthilfe für marktreife Forschung: Helmholtz unterstützt vier Firmenausgründungen"

Institut für Bio- und Geowissenschaften, Bereich Biotechnologie (IBG-1)

Förderinstrument "Helmholtz Enterprise"

Portrait Dr. Stephan Binder und Dr. Georg Schendzielorz
Last Modified: 26.02.2022