Milestones accompanied by publications




Task 1 M18

Scientific report on connectivity concepts and models

Senk et al., 2022

Task 3 M24

Technical report: connectivity concepts and models translated to physical network requirements

Kauth et al., 2020

Task 3 M24

Scientific report on new algorithms and data structures for conventional HPC systems (INM-6) 

Pronold et al., 2022

Task 4 M36

First performance assessments based on FPGA-based virtual prototypes (not closed)  

Kleijnen et al., 2022

Task 6 M14

Scientific report comparing the performance of various ODE-solver strategies wrt. stability under consideration of stiffness, nonlinearities, and ODE complexity

Report available on ACA GitLab

Task 7 M18

Optimized specifications for memristive devices

Ziegler et al., 2020

Task 8 M6

First compact models for ECM and VCM type ReRAM devices


Task 12 M12

Report on suitable modeling environment

Report available on ACA GitLab

Task 12 M36

Technical report on achieved performance metrics

Kauth et al., 2020

Task 13 M32

NESTML 4.0 + ODE-toolbox 2.3 release

NESTML 4.0 release: (Jul 2021,, ODE-toolbox 2.3 release (Jun 2021,

Task 14 M40

Hybrid NC Node Architecture Publication

Trensch et al., 2022

Task 15 M20

Implementation and validation of reference networks with specific feature complexity

Heittmann et al., 2022

Task 17 M24

Development of an initial concept for prototype integration including network, storage and user management

First reduced version availabe on ACA GitLab

Task 18 M23

Document: RequirementsfromScienceTestCases

Table available on ACA GitLab

Task 20 M6

Scientific reports on modeling active dendrites based on point-neuron models and on a biologically plausible and resource efficient form of noise generation for stochastic network models

Jordan et al., 2019; Bouhadjar et al. 2019; Bouhadjar et al. 2022

Task 20 M18

Lectures on neuroscientific constraints and potential optimization strategies

Neuromorphic tea; Schedule available on ACA GitLab

Task 21 M6

Scientific report on effect of delay distributions on recurrent network dynamics

master thesis, Helin 2019

Task 21 M12

Scientific report on effect of limited synaptic-weight resolution on dynamics and function of recurrent neural networks

Dasbach et al. 2021, master thesis Dasbach 2020

Task 21 M36

Scientific report on role of synaptic (memristive) stochasticity in a neural circuit performing sequence learning and prediction

Bouhadjar et al., 2022, Bouhadjar et al., 2023

Task 22 M12

Publication of a documented set of science and test cases

Available on ACA GitLab: bachelor thesis Kempter 2022

Task 23 M24

Publication on benchmarking workflow and analysis tools

Albers et al., 2022

Task 24.2 M24

Scientific report on bottlenecks of internode communications in classical HPC systems

Report available on ACA GitLab

Task 24.3 M36

Scientific report on timing-critical and time-consuming sections

Heittmann et al., 2022

Last Modified: 24.03.2023