
During the project, six key results cristallyzed which are featured in more detail in the Key Results page. In addition to the SpiNNaker and the BrainScaleS system, researchers in the ACA project explored the capabilities and performance of various FPGA (Heittmann et al, 2022; Trensch & Morrison, 2022) and GPU based architectures (Tiddia et al 2022).

Further fulfilled milestone which are connected to publications which are either public or available on the internal ACA GitLab server are listed in the milestone table.

Beyond the actual science, another goal of this pilot project was the initiation of a long term Neuromorphic Computing research initiative at Jülich Research Centre. At the beginning of the project, the collaboration between the Jülich members was limited; ACA changed this. Several follow-up grants, collaboration in PoF IV P2 Topic 3, and the installation of the Jülich Neuromorphic Computing Alliance (JUNCA) demonstrate that the ACA project succeeded in establishing a flourishing and interacting Neuromorphic Computing community at Jülich Research Centre.

Last Modified: 24.03.2023