ACA farewell meeting 2022

19th September 2022 10:00 AM
20th September 2022 13:00 PM

As the ACA project is coming to an end, the members met (finally again) in an in-person meeting at Burg Obbendorf (Hambach). However, as the goal of this meeting was not only to say Good Bye to the ACA project, but discuss the extension of it, not only partners of the project, but also members of the new NC institutes in Jülich as well as of the corporate development department in Jülich participitated at the event.

The agenda featured talks regarding the results of the project and a poster session where NC topics from the project and beyond were presented. However, a big focus was on reflecting the project (administrativ as well as scientifically) and discussing the future of NC in Jülich and beyond; these topics were debated in a world café session.

Thanks to all participants for the lively disucssions- the results of this meeting will help to shape the NC environment in Jülich and beyond!

ACA farewell meeting 2022

The participants of the ACA farewell meeting 2022.

Impressions from the world café session

ACA farewell meeting 2022

ACA farewell meeting 2022
ACA farewell meeting 2022
ACA farewell meeting 2022

Last Modified: 30.09.2022