Remote Sensing of Climate Processes in the Atmosphere with High Spatial Resolution

IEK-7, KIT and GFZ-Potsdam take the initiative for a new satellite mission to explore the middle atmosphere at high spatial resolution. The mission AtmoSat proposed to realize this concept was evaluated by the German Science Concile with an outstanding result.

Measurment principle of GLORIA / AtmoSat.
Measurment principle of GLORIA / AtmoSat. By taking images along the flight direction the atmosphere will be reconstructed in 3D. The simultaneously achieved spectral resolution allows for the retrieval of temperature and a multitude of trace species.

Together with Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), IEK-7 is in charge of developing the concept for AtmoSat, in particular regarding the realization of an as yet unachieved spatial resolution of the data obtained in observations by means of innovative detector fields. Instrument development for Atmosat is supported by prototypes designed for research aircraft (HALO, Geophysica) and balloons that IEK-7 is working on together with the Central Technology Division (ZEA-1) and Central Institute for Electronics (ZEA-2) of Forschungszentrum Jülich and in cooperation with KIT. The concept is based on a well-funded strategy for limb-imaging remote sounding. Several studies to assess the scientific impact of such a mission were performed and published, e.g.:

Last Modified: 29.06.2024