
The scientific direction of IEK-7 is closely aligned to current issues of the WRCP project SPARC (Stratosphere-troposphere Processes And their Role in Climate) ( IEK-7 contributes to numerous SPARC initiatives such as Polar Stratospheric Cloud initiative (PSCi), the Gravity Wave initiative, the Water Vapor assessment (WAVAS), the Stratospheric Sulfur and its Role in Climate (SSiRCi) initiative, the Stratospheric Reanalysis Inter-comparison project (S-RIP), and the Lifetimes of Stratospheric Ozone-Depleting Substances initiative.

IEK-7 coordinated several EU field campaigns in the Arctic as well as in the tropics. Prominent examples are the M55-Geophysica aircraft campaigns EUPLEX (2003, Sweden), SCOUT-O3 (2005, Australia), RECONCILE (2010, Sweden), ESSenCE (2011, Sweden) and StratoClim (2017, Nepal). Utilization of the research aircraft HALO is organized through a contract with partners from the Helmholtz Association (HGF), Max Planck Society (MPG), Leibniz Association and the German Research Foundation (DFG, universities). Important campaigns in recent years include WISE (2017, Ireland) and POLSTRACC/GW-LCYCLE, Sweden, 2015/16).
The University of Wuppertal is partner of IEK-7 in atmospheric sciences. One central element are joint appointments of professors (after the “Jülich Model”).
Cooperation with other German institutes and universities are furthermore facilitated by common projects in DFG priority programs (e.g. HALO), DFG researcher groups (MS-GWaves) or by projects within BMBF´s priority program ROMIC (Role of the Middle Atmosphere in Climate).
Important co-operations within the Helmholtz-association include REKLIM (regional climate change initiative), MOSES, ESKP, and the networking project ESM (Earth System Modelling).

Last Modified: 29.06.2024