New Institute for Energy and Climate Research

Clean, safe and resource-saving energy: To achieve this goal, Jülich energy and climate researchers are moving closer together and pooling their expertise. In the future, more than 650 employees will work under the umbrella of the now founded Institute for Energy and Climate Research. The founding colloquium was attended by the Parliamentary State Secretary to the Federal Minister of Education and Research, Thomas Rachel, MdB, and State Secretary Helmut Dockter from the Ministry of Innovation, Science and Research of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia.

With the establishment of the institute, the research center is drawing the conclusion that research and development of energy sources today also includes environmental and climate protection. At the same time, atmospheric researchers need to know where and to what extent the substances that influence air quality and climate are generated. After all, every energy-converting technology generates trace and pollutant gases, aerosols and clouds that have an impact at an altitude of a few hundred or even many thousands of meters.

"With the close integration of energy and climate research, Jülich is strategically well positioned for the currently pressing issues of energy supply," says Prof. Harald Bolt, member of the Board of Directors of Forschungszentrum Jülich. "This will enable us to evaluate our research results in the context of 'energy and climate' and open up options for society, politics and industry." The new institute combines the expertise of the previous Institute for Energy Research and the Institute for Chemistry and Dynamics of the Geosphere. In addition, a new institute area on electrochemistry will be created, further strengthening Jülich's battery and fuel cell research. A further independent institute area for systems research and technological development will examine energy systems in the societal context, taking into account the technical, economic and ecological framework conditions.

Last Modified: 29.06.2024