Drought Analytics is a start-up project that is largely based on the hydrological models and preliminary scientific work and findings that were developed in the ADAPTER (https://www.adapter-projekt.de/), DG-RR (https://www.biooekonomierevier.de/Innovationslabor_DG_RR), WaterAgri (https://wateragri.eu/) and ATLAS (https://www.atlas-h2020.eu/) projects at the Institute of Bio- and Geosciences - Agrosphere (IBG-3). The young research team is now working on transforming the prototypes developed in the scientific projects into market-ready and customer-oriented products. With their practice-oriented development strategy, they want to make a concrete contribution to making agriculture more resilient to climate extremes such as drought.

Drought Analytics

We make agriculture resilient to climate extremes

The increasingly changing climatic conditions are leading to a shift in the distribution of precipitation in Germany and throughout Europe. In the summer months, periods of drought are becoming more frequent and more intense, while agricultural land is increasingly drowning in mud in the winter months.

Drought Analytics, with its unique real-time hydrological models and multi-day and seasonal forecasts, offers the opportunity to prepare for such an uncertain and risky future and to make the right decisions in good time. Based on current weather forecasts, we simulate the water cycle for the whole of Germany with high spatial resolution and over different time periods: scalable as required for the whole of Germany, individual federal states, regions or water catchment areas, up to individual agricultural fields, from the land surface to deep underground and up to seven months into the future.

Drought Analytics


Germany forecast
Making risks calculable. We calculate both the current and future water balance for the whole of Germany and estimate the regional probability of a drought.

Site-specific forecast
Conserving resources and increasing yields. Our early prediction of water availability and the integration of soil moisture sensors enable optimum irrigation management for individual agricultural areas.

Follow the latest news about Drought Analytics here:


David Mengen


  • Institute of Bio- and Geosciences (IBG)
  • Agrosphere (IBG-3)
Building 16.6 /
Room 3011
+49 2461/61-9037

Dombrowski Olga

Hydr. Modellierung


    Felix Nieberding

    Postdoctoral researcher at "Terrestrial observation platforms" working group (Heye Bogena)

    • Institute of Bio- and Geosciences (IBG)
    • Agrosphere (IBG-3)
    Building 16.6 /
    Room 2050
    +49 2461/61-96846

    Last Modified: 18.07.2024