ICOS RI provides harmonised European-wide measurements on carbon cycle, on greenhouse gas emissions and on atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases using pan European networks of high-precision atmosphere, ecosystem and ocean observations, state-of-the-art infrastructure for the European research community, policy makers and public and central Facilities for data processing, quality control, calibration, instrument development and training. ICOS provides reliable data curation and open data access through the Carbon Portal.

Through its infrastructure ICOS RI aims to:

  • Quantify and understand the greenhouse gas balances of Europe and neighbouring regions
  • Provide long-term observations on atmospheric concentrations
  • Produce continuous measurement of fluxes between atmosphere and land as well as ocean surfaces Predict future behaviour of the global carbon cycle as well as greenhouse gas emissions and concentrations
  • Support the knowledge transfer from science to societal innovation
Last Modified: 18.07.2024