Quanteen Day 2023: Fascination Quantum Computers, 23.1.2023, 14-18 pm, online

Quanteen Day 2023: Fascination Quantum Computers, 23.1.2023, 14-18 pm, online

We are happy to announce that we will be again part of the Quanteen Day this year. Join us and other scientists for free online. You are interested in MINT / STEM? We are looking forward to get in touch with you. The event will be in German.

Prof. Dr. Lotte Geck (ZEA-2) will be part of a panel discussion about fields of study and professions that are absolutely essential for the mission of quantum computing. Trained scientists and engineers are needed more than ever to develop this technology of the future. Whether you study physics, maths, computer science or electrical engineering - the chances are high that you will end up in an interdisciplinary team that helps shape the development of the computers of our future.

Have you ever heard of quantum computers? Maybe you've even come across some crazy quantum physics phenomena i class? Or maybe not yet?

On Quanteen Day 2023 we want to devote ourselves to the fascination of quantum computers. You can find out what is behind this future technology and ask quantum scientists about quantum physics and quantum computers.

Who are we?

Scientists at the Universities of Cologne, Bonn, Aachen and the Forschungszentrum Jülich around the research cluster "Matter and Light for Quantum Information - ML4Q". We are all enthusiastically researching the fundamentals of quantum physics - phenomena that can be harnessed to develop a whole new class of computers.

What can you expect?

You will be introduced to the world of quantum physics and quantum information in keynote lectures. Afterwards, young PhD students will present exciting results from their current research projects. Finally, we will have a panel discussion to find out in which fields you can work as a quantum scientist and how you can get involved in the great "Mission Quantum Computer".

Who can register?

Everyone interested in the world of quantum physics is welcome! Some of the content is more suitable for high school students, as quantum physics is part of the curriculum. However, the programme is so varied that there will be something for everyone.

Register now! You don't need any previous knowledge - just curiosity 🙂

Registration and more information:

Last Modified: 17.01.2023