Forschungszentrum Jülich Innovation Strategy

Embracing the Future

In the past few years, Forschungszentrum Jülich has undergone a transformative process, crafting a strategic vision for its upcoming endeavors. A pivotal element of this fresh corporate strategy is an intensified emphasis on research that is purpose-driven and yields tangible results.

How can we attain this objective? The strategy "Research and Innovation 2025" provides the answer, serving as the cornerstone for fostering innovation and facilitating knowledge exchange events at Forschungszentrum Jülich. Moreover, it outlines a set of instruments aimed at enhancing our capacity for knowledge transfer in the times ahead.

A clear goal in mind

The objective is crystal clear: to embrace the duty as a prominent national research hub and transform Jülich into not just a research facility, but an innovation epicenter. By doing so, Forschungszentrum Jülich aims to play its part in ensuring that the economy and society are well-prepared for the challenges of the future.

key areas of action: FZ Jülich's innovation strategy focuses on four actions items.

  1. Fostering an innovative culture
  2. Enhancing research-driven innovation
  3. Evolving organizational structures and guidelines
  4. Empowering Knowledge and Technology Transfer

Asking "how" instead of "why not"

Forschungszentrum Jülich perceives innovation as the practical application of scientific knowledge in society, striving for utilization that extends beyond mere commercial exploitation.

"How can it work?" remains our fundamental inquiry, as we endeavor to foster a supportive culture across all levels of the organization.

Forschungszentrum Jülich shifts its focus to a new direction


FZ Jülich's strategic realignment

The FZ Jülich undergoes a strategic realignment, establishing a definitive objective for the upcoming decade.

Its scientific focus is shaped by subjects of academic significance and profound social relevance. Embracing the concept of benefit-inspired fundamental research, Jülich's research orientation becomes its distinguishing hallmark, centered around research and innovation.


A new approach in action

The latest approach has been put into action, where the transfer of knowledge assumes a pivotal role alongside research and education at scientific institutions.

In light of this, Forschungszentrum Jülich is actively formulating a fresh innovation strategy that establishes the essential framework and tools.

Their central tenet: adopting progressive innovation management as an enabling force that focuses on finding practical solutions.


A novel approach to innovation

Forschungszentrum Jülich publishes its latest innovation strategy, emphasizing a new orientation and innovative approach.

The objectives are well-defined: fostering awareness, capitalizing on opportunities, and nurturing potential. As new conditions emerge, fresh instruments are introduced to empower Jülich scientists in effectively transferring their research.

It's evident that young researchers should be equipped with the same skills as their executives.


Heading towards the future

Embarking on a journey with multifaceted approaches across four pivotal domains, the FZ Jülich stays steadfast in its course for the future.

Through its unwavering dedication to purpose-driven fundamental research and the resolute execution of its strategies, Forschungszentrum Jülich establishes itself as a crucial ally for the corporate, societal, and political realms in an ever-evolving and intricate world.

Editorial: Seitenplan

Außenansicht Magazin Endeavours des FZ Jülich

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Last Modified: 21.06.2024