Research Management (UE-F)

Research Management (UE-F) supports the Board of Directors and institutes of Forschungszentrum Jülich in all matters related to the strategic orientation of the science divisions. UE-F also coordinates activities within the framework of the Helmholtz Association’s programme-oriented funding (PoF).

The range of tasks of research management:

  • Analysis and evaluation of scientific developments
  • Programme-oriented funding
  • Development of the institutes and institute departments
  • Development and management of Jülich structural elements (e.g. CASA, JUQCA, JUNCA)
  • Research-related development of resource planning
  • Ad hoc tasks for board members and programme spokespersons
  • Coordination of national and international application procedures
  • Initiation and monitoring of scientific projects and platforms
  • Support of the coordinator for the HGF FB Information
  • Coordination of Helmholtz affairs
Last Modified: 24.06.2024