Knowledge transfer 2020 - Quantum Computing for small and medium-sized enterprises

Wissenstransferstudie 2020 - Quantencomputing für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen (KMU)
Dr. Daniel Zeuch with a model of a Jülich quantum computer at the Digital Demo Day (2021). The exhibited model was developed and manufactured according to the model of a superconducting quantum computer from the OpenSuperQ project in the course of the study in cooperation between PGI, ZEA-2 and some external partners.
Radhika Vaidyanathan/Forschungszentrum Jülich

An important part of the work at the research center is to communicate newly generated knowledge to the right target groups, including beyond the classically defined technology transfer to industry. In doing so, employees of the research center take on a mediating role by preparing relevant knowledge in a comprehensible way and entering into an extensive exchange with the respective target groups: politics, administration, business, civil society, education and the media.

Within the framework of the Helmholtz call "Knowledge transfer 2020" financed by the Initiative and Networking Fund with an application in the line "Explorative Studies", a study on "Quantum computing for small and midsized enterprises" (QC for SMEs) was carried out at Forschungszentrum Jülich.  From December 2020 to March 2022, Dr. Daniel Zeuch at the Science Office of Peter Grünberg Institute used the research center's expertise to investigate the status of, in particular, SMEs on quantum computing development and application.  At the same time, SMEs were enabled to develop strategies for entering the QC market through appropriate knowledge transfer in order to benefit from the technology developments as early as possible.

In this study, more than 20 bilateral consultation meetings were held with company representatives of potential suppliers for quantum computer components and users of QC-based computations. Through various information events, such as presentations at chambers of industry and commerce or the industry fair "Digital Demo Day" in Düsseldorf, several hundred people could be reached. To date, knowledge transfer formats worked out in the study are used to communicate basic quantum computing knowledge to the public.  

You can find the full report here.


Dr. Daniel Zeuch

Scientific Employee

  • Peter Grünberg Institute (PGI)
  • Institute for Quantum Computing Analytics (PGI-12)
Building 04.9 /
Room 24
+49 2461/61-6460

Science Office Peter Grünberg Institut

Last Modified: 29.02.2024