Progress in building Europe’s new platform for understanding the brain

The 5th Human Brain Project Summit

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Geneva/Juelich 24 October 2017 – Over 500 scientists and engineers from 19 countries met in Glasgow at the 5thSummit of the Human Brain Project (October 17-20, 2017) to discuss results and perspectives on their quest towards building a unified platform for a comprehensive understanding of the human brain and its diseases. The HBP is an EU-Flagship-Project and one of the two largest scientific projects ever funded by the European Union. Since the previous 2016 Summit in Florence the project has come a long way – further advancing its mission to build the enabling infrastructure for a 21st century science of the brain. The projects Scientific Director is Prof. Katrin Amunts from the Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine (INM-1) in Jülich and director of the Cécile and Oskar Vogt Institute of Brain Research at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf.

A detailed press release describing the mission and progress of HBP can be found here:

Logo Summit Teaser Juelich
Last Modified: 17.05.2022