Molecular Approaches

Molecular and genetic experiments are usually conducted in sterile, artificial media such as agar plates or nutrient solution, which is adequate when addressing research questions such as mutant identification or molecular gene functions. But the root group aims at understanding root growth and development under conditions closer to the natural environments of the target plants.

The importance of growth media was shown recently by root hair formation of several rice genotypes- when grown in nutrient solution all genotypes increased root hair density and length when facing phosphorus deficiency, but the same genotypes failed to exhibit an increase in these traits when grown in soil (Figure X, Nestler et al., 2016). It could also be shown that some genes identified in artificial conditions to be root hair and P deficiency related did not show induced expression in soil-grown roots (Nestler and Wissuwa, 2016).

Molecular Approaches
Contrast in root hair development of five diverse rice genotypes grown in nutrient solution or field soil in Rhizoboxes. Data shown is modified from Nestler et al. 2016.

Thus we aim to adapt existing molecular techniques and use image-guided sampling to link soil-based molecular information with the macroscopic observations obtained through the various IBG-2 platforms, thus linking genotype to phenotype in conditions closer to natural environments.

Root Dynamics Group PIs: Dr. Josefine Nestler and Dr. Borjana Arsova with JPPC Group and Enabling Technologies Group for phenotyping and Cell Wall and Bioinformatics Group for transcriptomics; with Dr. Pitter Huesgen, Analytik (ZEA-3) for proteomic investigation.

Nestler et al., 2016
Nestler and Wissuwa, 2016

Last Modified: 15.09.2022