Jülich Plant Science Seminars (JPSS)

This seminar series is hosted by IBG-2 on a monthly base. Internationally renowned experts from different fields within plant sciences and related disciplines are invited. We are aiming on the integration of regional plant sciences and therefore open JPSS also for external people to participate.

Venue: IBG-2 Plant Sciences, building 06.2, room 406 – large seminar room, 2nd floor







Sustainable and Resilient Plant Production and Land Use – Optimizing Trade-Offs and Synergies

Frank Ewert

ZALF und Universität Bonn


14:00 - 15:00




Furthermore, there is the option to add your email to the JPSS mailing list for information about next seminars. We are looking forward to your participation!

Keep in mind that external visitors have to be pre-registered to get access to the Forschungszentrum Jülich campus. For this, contact the IBG-2 secretary.

Jülich Plant Science Seminars (JPSS)

Past seminars

Seminars 2024
Seminars 2023
Seminars 2022
Seminars 2021
Seminars 2020
Seminars 2019
Seminars 2018
Seminars 2017
Seminars 2016
Seminars 2015
Seminars 2014
Seminars 2013

Last Modified: 25.06.2024