Kristel Michielsen speaks at the EC Digital Assembly in Stockholm

Kristel Michielsen speaks at the EC Digital Assembly in Stockholm

On June 15, Kristel Michielsen gave a presentation at the European Commission’s Digital Assembly. She talked about integrating high performance computers and quantum computer simulators (HPC-QCS) in the context of the HPCQS project, which paves the way towards a European federated HPC-QCS infrastructure in 2027. This infrastructure will merge the two HPCQS sites, of which JSC/JUNIQ is part of, with six additional HPC-QCS sites that will be established in 2026 under the umbrella of the EU-HPC Joint Undertaking. Hybrid infrastructures are necessary, because “for practical quantum computing, we have to combine HPC with quantum advantage”, says Kristel Michielsen. You can watch her presentation on online starting at 5:00:25, which was part of the quantum session starting at 4:43:07.

Last Modified: 21.06.2023