JUNIQ's Spring School on Quantum Information Processing

JUNIQ's Spring School on Quantum Information Processing

From 27th to 31st of March, JUNIQ hosted the Spring School on Quantum Information Processing combining expert lectures with hands-on sessions. Twenty-four participants from across Europe came to the Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC) to study applications of quantum computing. Additionally, about 30 participants followed the lectures online.

The participants got introductory lectures on gate-based quantum computing and quantum annealing, followed by theoretical concepts of state-of-the-art algorithms that they had to use to solve their research problems during the hands-on part. Invited speakers such as Nicholas Chancellor from the University of Durham, David DiVincenzo and Tommaso Calarco, both from the Forschungszentrum Jülich, framed the school with meta-perspectives on the evolution of quantum computing and gave an outlook on future challenges and research activities.

During the hands-on sessions, the participants had to solve simplified research questions directly applying the lessons-learned from the lectures. For this they made use of JUNIQ’s cloud-programming environment, from which they could access several QC resources using a unified programming interface. During the sessions, the participants were supervised by several experts from the research group Quantum Information Processing of JSC.

We thank all attendees for their active participation and are looking forward hosting another group of students from 28 August to 1 Septemper, 2023, at JUNIQ’s Summer School on Quantum Information Processing.

Last Modified: 21.06.2023