JUNIQ meets the EU parliament’s Panel for the Future of Science and Technology

JUNIQ meets the EU parliament’s Panel for the Future of Science and Technology

On October, 12, 2022, as part of a delegation of European experts in quantum computing (QC), Kristel Michielsen presented JSC’s efforts and strategy in QC in context of the European QC community to the Panel for the Future of Science and Technology, which is part of the Science and Technology Options Assessment (STOA) committee of the European Parliament. She emphasized the need for a strong collaboration between theory and experiments as well as between academia and industry to accomplish practical quantum computing, such as conducted under the umbrella of JUNIQ. Moreover, she pointed out that QC should become part of the EU chips act in order to ensure competitive hardware developments in Europe. Watch the full session in the EU parliament’s Media Centre.

Last Modified: 17.12.2022