JUNIQ at the EuroHPC Summit

On March 20, 2023, experts, policy-makers, and supercomputer users gathered at the EuroHPC summit in Goethenburg, Sweden, to discuss latest initiatives and developments in policy making and technology in European supercomputing. The event was organized by the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking and focused on European Supercomputing Excellence in the Exascale Era. During extensive three days, Thomas Lippert represented JSC during a panel discussion on the “Future of Exascale Supercomputing in Europe”. Moreover, Kristel Michielsen gave, together with Estela Suarez, an overview of “Emerging Technologies for HPC in Europe” emphasizing the challenges for a proper integration of quantum computers and simulators into HPC environments, in particular with respect to the development of a modular supercomputer architecture. Such an integration of a quantum system into an HPC environment is currently being developed within the project HPCQS, which was presented by JUNIQ’s research software engineer Carlos Gonzalez Calaza during the poster sessions.

Thomas Lippert (FZJ-JSC) [left] during a panel discussion on the “Future of Exascale Supercomputing in Europe”.
JUNIQ  at the EuroHPC Summit
Carlos Gonzalez Calaza presents the HPCQS project, in which a Pasqal’s quantum simulator will be integrated into JSC’s HPC environment
JUNIQ  at the EuroHPC Summit
JSC’s Modular Supercomputing Architecture with Pasqal’s quantum simulator as quantum module.

Last Modified: 17.08.2023