EPIQ Integration: Advancing Quantum Computing through JUNIQ

The Forschungszentrum Jülich and the German startup eleQtron are developing a groundbreaking supercomputer in Nordrhein-Westfalen (NRW). EPIQ, as the project is called, features a modular design combining quantum and classical modules, powered by a state-of-the-art trapped-ion quantum computer with microwave control technology from the University of Siegen. By integrating the eleQtron quantum computer pilot system, capable of housing up to 30 trapped ion qubits, into the JUNIQ user infrastructure by 2025, EPIQ aims to provide a hybrid high-performance and quantum computing (HPC-QC) environment to its users.

EPIQ: Pioneering the Quantum Future in NRW
Employees of the Siegen-based start-up eleQtron working on the prototype of the quantum computer

According to Prof. Kristel Michielsen, the new system will benefit from “the broad user portfolio of the JUNIQ platform.” She further explains, “JUNIQ offers the unique opportunity to compare different quantum computer systems and concepts on one platform. The eleQtron quantum computer will serve as a reference for the classification of other systems.”

The project garners substantial support, with an allocation of approximately €21 million by the Ministry of Culture and Science of NRW over four-and-a-half-year period, highlighting the region's commitment to establishing a pioneering position in the realm of quantum technologies.

Visit the press release for more information.

Last Modified: 27.03.2024