Nu-FuSE - Nuclear Fusion Simulations at Exascale

Nu-FuSE - Nuclear Fusion Simulations at Exascale

Given the high cost of developing exascale computers and their software, any application to use them must start from a base of having a very solid socio-economic, scientific and technological base. In addition, it must bring together experts from the application science, computational scientists and, ideally, those who will work to exploit the results for wider benefit. The NuFuSE project addresses all of these issues. It is a collaboration drawing together leading groups from six nations who will work together to tackle the key scientific challenges in modelling the fusion plasma, its interaction with the vessel, and the vessel itself. The Simulation and Data Laboratory Plasma Physics will contribute in cooperation with the group of Detlev Reiter at IEK-4 to simulations of the vessel's edges. These computations will utilize the PEPC code.

Last Modified: 30.03.2022