Workshop on generative connectomics and plasticity

17th July 2019 06:00 AM
17th July 2019 14:00 PM

July 16-17, 2019. Barcelona, Spain

Left) 3D representation of dendritic trees in cortical microcolumn (Pastor et. al. 2015, Data: Blue Brain Project). Middle) Two abstract representations of a cortical microcircuit column in NeuroScheme. (Pastor et. al. 2015). Right) Four layer model of a cortical microcolumn (Potjans et. al. 2011).

The generation and evolution of connectivity in simulations has only recently become computationally tractable, and is the focus of several research programs (e.g. HBP, DFG priority program).
In this event, we will cover the state-of-the-art research in simulation and modeling of generative connectomics and structural plasticity, as well as future directions. We will discuss modeling and simulation of connectivity generation from two perspectives:

  1. Neural development and structural plasticity in biological neural networks
  2. Generation of connectivity for biological and artificial neural networks

Organized by:

  • Alexander Peyser. SimLab Neuroscience. Forschungzentrum Jülich, Germany.
  • Wouter Klijn SimLab Neuroscience. Forschungzentrum Jülich, Germany.
  • Sandra Diaz SimLab Neuroscience. Forschungzentrum Jülich, Germany.

 Location and Registration

The workshop will be held as a part of the CNS*2019 meeting in Barcelona, Spain. Please see the CNS*2019 website for registration to the workshops (this is required to attend).

More information about the meeting venue will be posted soon.


  1. Markus Axer . Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany.
  2. Egidio D'Angelo. University of Pavia, Italy.
  3. Felix Wolf. University of Darmstadt. Germany
  4. Oscar Robles. Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain.
  5. Stefan Rotter. University of Freiburg, Germany.
  6. Rodrigo Suarez. The University of Queensland, Australia.


The workshop will have both a theoretical and a practical part. We will have two sessions with presentations with generous time for open discussion on the  current state of the art. The third session will focus on practical and  future applications in two parallel groups: one group on design and  implementation of a stand-alone structural plasticity module compatible with several simulators / emulators (NEST, Arbor, TVB, Neuron, SpiNNaker, BrainScales, etc.) and a second group focusing on the preparation of a perspectives and architecture paper on future directions for generative and developmental simulation.

The workshop will take place in room S1.

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Last Modified: 16.08.2022