EBRAINS Infrastructure Training

2nd November 2020 07:00 AM
4th November 2020 08:00 AM

Tools and Services offered by EBRAINS Computing Services and Neuromorphic Computing

The EBRAINS Computing Services Team (led by Forschungszentrum Jülich and the University of Heidelberg) is excited to invite everyone interested in using Scalable Computing resources, Virtual Machines, Neuromorphic Computing, and the Collaboratory to a virtual EBRAINS Infrastructure Training. With this event we would like to provide an opportunity for scientists, both HBP-internal and external, at different stages of their careers to meet and learn about current developments in and around the e-infrastructure services of EBRAINS. Public lectures will give an overview of the EBRAINS platform and provide insights into how your own research can benefit from the offered e-infrastructure services. The offered hands-on sessions will provide a guided online experience of some of the currently available EBRAINS services.

Registration deadline: 15 October 2020


Last Modified: 16.08.2022