3rd Summer School on Fire Dynamics Modeling 2022

3rd Summer School on Fire Dynamics Modeling 2022
Participants, lecturers and organisers of the summer school in 2022


Over the last decades the demand for the modelling of fire dynamics grew significantly and the increasing complexity of the models makes them less accessible. This summer school aims to help fire safety engineers and scientists to gain a deeper understanding of the underlying theory and algorithms of fire modelling. Detailed theoretical discussions on the fundamental models are provided by some model developers themselves. The theoretical parts are then accompanied by practical exercises, mostly based on the Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS). Besides the presentation of the models, scientific pre- and post-processing, with the publicly available programming language Python, is demonstrated. The participants have the possibility to use the JURECA supercomputer for the exercises during the summer school. Furthermore, discussion of validation methods completes the curriculum.

This school not only targets learning more about the underlying numerical models in common fire simulation software, like FDS, but also enables the participants to get in touch with other users as well as model developers. Since special emphasis is put on scientific work, the participants should have at least a Master’s degree in a suitable topic and a sound background in mathematics.


  • Date: 06. – 10. June 2022.
  • Due to the dynamics of the COVID-19 situation, we will have to decide on short term if it will be virtual or in person. Please note the COVID-19 information below.
  • Venue on Monday (6. June) is the Central Library of the Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ), Germany, Institute for Advanced Simulation / Civil Safety Research
  • Venue on the other days, i.e. Tuesday (7. June) to Friday (10. June), is the RWTH Aachen, Lecture room (SG 513), Wüllnerstraße 5b, 52062 Aachen
  • The school's language is English.
  • The school will be free of charge for the participants from academia and industry, and their number is limited to approximately 30 persons.
  • Travel and accommodation costs have to be covered by the participants themselves.

COVID-19 Information

The situation concerning COVID-19 regulations is rather fluid, as all of you surely know. From the planning side, we are taking all measures available to us to achieve a high probability of a meeting in person. Still, regulations like wearing face masks, being vaccinated with vaccines recognised by our local authorities and having conducted a recent (daily) test may still apply. Furthermore, we cannot rule out that the meeting might be switched to a virtual meeting or being postponed altogether on short notice. We will provide more detailed information when we get closer to the date of the meeting.

Vaccines approved for use in Germany: Link.

Overview on coronavirus measures in North Rhine-Westphalia: Link.

Please keep these considerations in mind and plan accordingly.

Webpage of last (2019) summer school: Link

Bus Transfer

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please bring an official identity document (ID), like a passport, with you in order to register for a guest access card at the main entrance of the Forschungszentrum Jülich.

The bus shuttle service on Monday from Aachen to Jülich and back is organized according to the following schedule. This is a private shuttle, which we have organized, and it is free for all participants of the summer school.

PRELIMINARY INFORMATION: The address of the meeting point is Sandkaulstraße 2, 52062 Aachen, or if you prefer geographic coordinates: (50.778638, 6.088743). Also, see this map.

 Aachen to FZJFZJ to Aachen 
Monday, 06.06.202210:0017:15 

Lecturers and Schedule

Lecturer team:

  • Simo Hostikka
  • Bjarne Husted
  • Susanne Kilian
  • Randall McDermott
  • Marcos Vanella
  • Lukas Arnold

Monday, 06.06.2022

Morning (11:00 – 11:30)Arrival and Registration of Participants
Lunch (11:30 – 13:30)Small lunch and FZJ visiting tour
Afternoon (13:30 – 15:00)Welcome / History of Fire Modeling and FDS
Afternoon (15:30 – 17:00)Getting Started with FDS and Python

Tuesday, 07.06.2022

Morning (09:00 – 10:30)Computational Fluid Dynamics
Morning (11:00 – 12:30)Computational Fluid Dynamics
Afternoon (13:30 – 15:00)Low-Mach Flows and Pressure Solver
Afternoon (15:30 – 17:00)Low-Mach Flows and Pressure Solver

Wednesday, 08.06.2022

Morning (09:00 – 10:30)Turbulence
Morning (10:45 – 12:15)Turbulence
Afternoon (13:15 – 14:45)Thermal Radiation
Afternoon (15:00 – 16:30)Thermal Radiation

Social Events on Wednesday, 08.06.2022

Evening (19:00 - 20:30)Aachen City Tour and Joint Dinner

Thursday, 09.06.2022

Morning (09:00 – 10:30)Pyrolysis
Morning (11:00 – 12:30)Pyrolysis
Afternoon (13:30 – 15:00)Combustion
Afternoon (15:30 – 17:00)Combustion

Friday, 10.06.2022

Morning (09:00 – 10:30)Unstructured Geometries
Morning (11:00 – 12:30)Unstructured Geometries
Lunch (12:30 – 13:30)Lunch together
 Departure after lunch

Accommodation Options

The lectures will take place in the Forschungszentrum Jülich. Aachen is a historical city close to Jülich. Since Aachen is supposed to be more interesting for cultural things and social activities, we suggest finding an accommodation here. To get an impression of the city, have a look at the Aachen city map.

We organized a bus service from Aachen to Jülich and back on Monday. The bus will leave at a central meeting point in Aachen, see bus section. Therefore, we advise you to look for a hotel within walking distance to the meeting point. The lecture building (Tuesday to Friday) is near the city centre of Aachen, thus any hotel in the city centre is probably in walking distance. In the following, you can find some hotel recommendations close to the meeting point:

Contact for further information

Fire Dynamics Group at Jülich: firesim@fz-juelich.de

Last Modified: 09.06.2022