Talk by Prof. Alessandro Torcini (CSN Virtual Seminar)

6th July 2022 09:00 AM
6th July 2022 10:00 AM

We hereby announce the next talk in the 'Computational and Systems Neuroscience Virtual Seminar' in short: 'CSN Virtual Seminar'

Next Generation Neural Mass Models

I will first give a brief overview of the next generation neural mass models, which represent a complete new perspective for the development of exact mean field models of heterogeneous spiking networks [1]. Then I will report recent results on the application of this formalism to reproduce relevant phenomena observed in neuroscience ranging from cross-frequency coupling [2] to theta-nested gamma oscillations [3], from slow and fast gamma oscillations [4] to synaptic-based working memory tasks [5]. I will finally show how these neural masses can be extended to capture fluctuations driven phenomena induced by dynamical sources of disorder, naturally present in brain circuits such as background noise and current fluctuations due to the sparseness in the connections [6,7].

[1] E. Montbrió, D. Pazó, A. Roxin. "Macroscopic description for networks of spiking neurons", Physical Review X 5:021028 (2015);
[2] A. Ceni, S. Olmi, A. Torcini, D. Angulo Garcia. "Cross frequency coupling in next generation inhibitory neural mass models", Chaos 30:053121 (2020);
[3] M. Segneri, H. Bi, S. Olmi, A. Torcini. "Theta-nested gamma oscillations in next generation neural mass models", Frontiers
in Computational Neuroscience 14:47 (2020);
[4] H. Bi, M. Segneri, M. di Volo, A. Torcini. "Coexistence of fast and slow gamma oscillations in one population of inhibitory
spiking neurons", Physical Review Research 2:013042 (2020);
[5] H. Taher, A. Torcini, S. Olmi. "Exact neural mass model for synaptic-based working memory", PLOS Computational Biology
16(12):e1008533 (2020);
[6] M. di Volo, A. Torcini. "Transition from asynchronous to oscillatory dynamics in balanced spiking networks with instantaneous synapses", Physical Review Letters 121:128301 (2018);
[7] D. Goldobin, M. di Volo, A. Torcini. "A reduction methodology for fluctuation driven population dynamics", Physical Review Letters 127:038301 (2021).

Prof. AlessandroTorcini
CY Cergy Paris University

Last Modified: 09.03.2024