
Massively parallel multi-electrode recordings of macaque motor cortex during an instructed delayed reach-to-grasp task

This publication consists of two electrophysiological datasets recorded via a 10-by-10 multi-electrode array chronically implanted in the motor cortex of two macaque monkeys during an instructed delayed reach-to-grasp task. The datasets contain the continuous measure of extracellular potentials at each electrode sampled at 30 kHz, the local field potentials sampled at 1 kHz and the timing of the online and offline extracted spike times.

DOI: 10.1038/sdata.2018.55
Website: Massively parallel multi-electrode recordings of macaque motor cortex during an instructed delayed reach-to-grasp task

Image copyright: CC-BY; Brochier, Thomas, Lyuba Zehl, Yaoyao Hao, Margaux Duret, Julia Sprenger, Michael Denker, Sonja Grün, and Alexa Riehle. 2018. “Massively Parallel Recordings in Macaque Motor Cortex during an Instructed Delayed Reach-to-Grasp Task.” Scientific Data 5: 180055.

1024-channel electrophysiological recordings in macaque V1 and V4 during resting state

This dataset contains raw, MUAe, and LFP resting-state data from 16 Utah electrode arrays in two monkeys, of which 14 arrays in V1 and 2 arrays in V4 in each monkey. Furthermore, signal-to-noise ratios determined from visual stimulation with checkerboard stimuli and receptive fields obtained from stimulation with sweeping bar stimuli are provided.

DOI: 10.1038/s41597-022-01180-1
Website: 1024-channel electrophysiological recordings in macaque V1 and V4 during resting state

Image copyright: Fig. 2; Chen X, Morales-Gregorio A, Sprenger J, Kleinjohann A, Sridhar S, Van Albada SJ, Grün S, Roelfsema PR. 1024-channel electrophysiological recordings in macaque V1 and V4 during resting state. Scientific Data. 2022 Mar 11;9(1):1-6.

Last Modified: 09.03.2024