Book chapters


  • van Albada, SJ., Morales-Gregorio, A., Dickscheid T., Goulas A., Bakker R. Bludau S., Palm G., Hilgetag CC., Diesmann M. (2022). Bringing Anatomical Information into Neuronal Network Models. In: Giugliano, M., Negrello, M., Linaro, D. (eds) Computational Modelling of the Brain. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 1359.
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-89439-9_9


  • van Albada SJ., Pronold J., van Meegen A., Diesmann M. (2021) Usage and Scaling of an Open-Source Spiking Multi-Area Model of Monkey Cortex. In: Amunts K., Grandinetti L., Lippert T., Petkov N. (eds). Brain-Inspired Computing. Springer, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12339:47-59.
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-82427-3_4


  • Senk J., Yegenoglu A., Amblet O., Brukau Y., Davison A., Lester DR., Lührs A., Quaglio P., Rostami V., Rowley A., Schuller B., Stokes AB., van Albada SJ., Zielasko D., Diesmann M., Weyers B., Denker M., Grün S. (2017) A Collaborative Simulation-Analysis Workflow for Computational Neuroscience Using HPC. In: Di Napoli E, Hermanns M-A, Iliev H, Lintermann A, Peyser A (eds). High-Performance Scientific Computing. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 243–256.
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-53862-4_21


  • van Albada SJ., Kunkel S., Morrison A., Diesmann M. (2014) Integrating Brain Structure and Dynamics on Supercomputers. In: Grandinetti L., Lippert T., Petkov N. (eds). Brain-Inspired Computing LNCS 8603:22-32.
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-12084-3_3


  • Morrison A., Diesmann M. (2007) Maintaining Causality in Discrete Time Neuronal Network Simulations. Chap 10, pp 267–278 In: Graben P.b., Zhou C., Thiel M., Kurths J. (eds) Lectures in Supercomputational Neurosciences. Understanding Complex Systems. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-73159-7_10


  • Diesmann M., Gewaltig MO. (2002) NEST: An environment for neural systems. In: Plessert T., Macho V. (eds). Forschung und wissenschaftliches Rechnen, Beiträge zum Heinz-Billing-Preis 2001 Ges. für Wiss. Datenverarbeitung 58: 43-70.
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Last Modified: 09.03.2024