Technical Design Reports of the HBS project published

The Jülich High Brilliance accelerator-based neutron Source (HBS) presents a novel concept for a compact accelerator driven neutron source closing the gap between laboratory oriented small-scale neutron sources as neutron generators or low power (<1 kW) accelerator-based sources and high flux reactor based or spallation neutron sources.

Technical Design Reports of the HBS project published
Handling tool in front of HBS target station, of which the target unit is pulled out.

One of the main components is the target-moderator unit, consisting of the target stations and the moderators. The target will be surrounded by a compact moderator and shielding structure. It will allow the extraction and provision of produced neutrons by separate extraction channels placed around the target. A prototype of this structure is currently under construction by ZEA-1.

The technical details of each component of the HBS are now pblished in the Technical Design Reports, divided into five capters:

Vol I - Accelerator
Vol II - Target Stations and Moderators
Vol III - Instrumentation
Vol IV -  Infrastructure and Sustaianbility

Followed by an overview of the Reports in the summary report on "Opportunities for Research with Neutrons at the Next Generation Facility HBS".

The main ZEA-1 contribution can be found in Vol II - Target Stations and Moderator.

Letzte Änderung: 11.10.2023