Development of a High Intensity Neutron Source at the European Spallation Source

Development of a High Intensity Neutron Source at the European Spallation Source

The European spallation neutron source ESS is currently under construction and should start part-load operation in 2025. With an average proton beam power of 5 MW, it will become the most powerful spallation neutron source worldwide. A key component of a neutron source is the moderator, which is intended to slow down (moderate) the fast neutrons, released by the spallation process, to the required low energy level.

At the ESS, the first generation of cold moderators, already delivered by ZEA-1, will be the so-called low dimension cold moderators, optimized with the goal to be the most brilliant could neutron source worldwide. These cold moderators will be operated with liquid parahydrogen at a temperature and pressure around 20 K and 10 bar respectively.

HighNESS aims to take it a step further, with an upgrade design of the cold moderators that will make it by far the world’s most intense neutron source. In particular, the upgrade will allow the ESS to generate strong pulses of so-called cold, very cold and ultra-cold neutrons, which are uniquely able to expose complex material behavior, as well as the elusive behavior of neutrons themselves.

Over three years, with €3m of Horizon 2020 funding, the eight partners of the HighNESS project developed together the future of ESS moderators. The ZEA-1 itself is in charge of the engineering work package. The first engineering design results can be seen in the upper picture, were a vertical section through the entire moderator assembly on the left and the first preliminary results of the flow simulation on the right are shown.

Development of a High Intensity Neutron Source at the European Spallation Source
Development of a High Intensity Neutron Source at the European Spallation Source

Engeneering design concept of liquid deuterium volume moderator optimized for high intensity (Copyrights FZJ, ZEA-1).

Over three years, with €3m of Horizon 2020 funding, the eight partners of the HighNESS project developed together the future of ESS moderators. The ZEA-1 itself is in charge of the engineering work package. The first engineering design results can be seen in the upper picture, were a vertical section through the entire moderator assembly on the left and the first preliminary results of the flow simulation on the right are shown.

Development of a High Intensity Neutron Source at the European Spallation Source
The Project Team (privat)
Project Partner

ESS (ccordinator), DTU Denmark, FZJ-ZEA-1, ILL France, Mirrotron Ltd Hungary, PSI Switzerland, Stockholm University Sweden, UNIMIB Italy

Last Modified: 14.11.2023