Neutron research

Numerous scientific discoveries are based on simple microscopes, with which, following the laws of optics, magnifications of more than 200 times were achieved as early as the 17th century. Today, this is often no longer sufficient.
Neutrons have been obtained for more than seventy years using neutron sources and are used as tools for investigating matter. Their physical properties make it possible to investigate the inner structure and dynamics on an atomic level in a way that is not possible with other methods.

Neutrons are neutral particles, meaning that there are no interactions between neutrons and atomic layers. In order to carry out most neutron scattering experiments, a sufficient number of usable neutrons must be present at a desired location. This means that released neutrons must be slowed down (moderated) to the required energy level by moderators.

ZEA-1 develops neutron scattering experiments and key components of neutron sources with both internal and external partners. In addition, ZEA-1 has specialised in the development of neutron moderators. In particular, it specialises in so-called cold moderators, which are often operated with liquid hydrogen.


  • Central Institute of Engineering, Electronics and Analytics (ZEA)
  • Engineering and Technology (ZEA-1)
Building 03.21 /
Room 4017
+49 2461/61-6808
  • Central Institute of Engineering, Electronics and Analytics (ZEA)
  • Engineering and Technology (ZEA-1)
Building 03.21 /
Room 4020
+49 2461/61-4426
Last Modified: 28.05.2024