Accelerator physics

Accelerators are used to accelerate electrically charged particles to high speeds by using electric fields. Depending on the particle type and the type of accelerator, accelerators can accelerate particles to almost the speed of light. Accelerators play a central role in basic research and are essential for the research of high-energy particles in order to investigate fundamental interactions of matter and to study structures.

So-called storage rings, the synchrotron, are also an important component, in that particles are not accelerated but accumulated and "stored" with constant energy.

Vacuum is central to this.

For decades, ZEA-1 has been a national and international partner in the design, construction and commissioning of these large scientific devices. Furthermore, technical innovations are necessary, for example in the development of detector technologies and systems, in order to expand the possibilities of the large research infrastructures.


Dr. Frank Martin Esser

Teamleiter Konstruktion ZEA-1

  • Central Institute of Engineering, Electronics and Analytics (ZEA)
  • Engineering and Technology (ZEA-1)
Building 03.21 /
Room 3038
+49 2461/61-5867
Last Modified: 15.11.2023