Christmas Tree Fun and Second-Hand Book Sale at ZB

On 29 November, the Central Library (ZB) will welcome children from the “Kleine Füchse” daycare centre. Meanwhile, the second-hand book sale will start on 2 December. All are welcome to come along.

19. November 2019

On Friday, 29 November 2019, from approx. 9:40 to 10:10, children from the “Kleine Füchse” daycare centre will decorate the Christmas tree at the Central Library (ZB) with very special home-made decorations. They will also treat the parents and colleagues at Jülich in attendance to renditions of traditional Christmas songs.

As a thank you, they will receive a small present.

The decorated Christmas tree is sure to delight ZB users in the weeks running up to Christmas.

Advent second-hand book sale for children at ZB
Forschungszentrum Jülich

Starting on 2 December 2019, the annual second-hand book sale for children will be held in the ZB reading room during the Advent season. The proceeds from the book sale will be donated to the daycare centre.
Employees of Forschungszentrum Jülich, colleagues from the Central Library, and, of course, the children’s parents are warmly invited to come and offer their support to the Kleine Füchse group as well as to donate children’s books for and purchase books from the second-hand book sale.

Central Library contact
Email: ZB-Auskunft
Tel.: 02461 61-6110
Information Services team

“Kleine Füchse” daycare centre
(in German)

Last Modified: 26.02.2022