DEAL Contract with Wiley – An Important Step for Scientific Publishing

Logo des Projekt DEAL – Bundesweite Lizenzierung von Angeboten großer Wissenschaftsverlage

Update: 22 February 2019

The contract between DEAL and the publisher Wiley is now available.
Projekt DEAL – Publish and Access Agreement – Projekt DEAL and Wiley – Signed in Berlin on 15 January 2019

15 January 2019

On 15 January 2019, Germany’s first publish-and-read contract was signed by Project DEAL and publisher Wiley. The agreement is valid for three years for all participating academic institutions.

The contract with Wiley is a first good “deal” for German science. The key objectives of Project DEAL have been achieved: access to all content, publishing open access with free licenses, and a fair pricing model that will make research results accessible in an affordable and sustainable manner. One particularly innovative aspect is that the road to an open access publication practice is being taken dynamically together with Wiley. A successful transformation to open access in Germany requires the adaptation of funding structures by research funding bodies in line with this new model. The conclusion of this first contract with Wiley will provide additional momentum for further DEAL negotiations with the other two large academic publishers as well as for similar initiatives abroad.

The contract comprises the following major aspects:

  • Perpetual access to Wiley’s entire portfolio of electronic journals – currently a total of around 1,700 titles;
  • Perpetual archive access rights to the entire journal portfolio as far back as 1997;
  • Open access publication of articles, often with a CC-BY licence, for all corresponding authors from participating institutions in Wiley journals (both original open access journals and subscription journals);
  • Agreement on a fair and sustainable cost model based on a “publish-and-read” fee (“PAR fee” for short) that covers both open access publication of the aforementioned articles and reading access to the entire portfolio of subscription journals. There are no additional reading fees. The only additional cost is a one-off payment to retrospectively close the gap for the archive (follow-up for national licences until 1997).
  • Publishing in gold open access journals results in a discount of 20 % on the listed prices for article processing charges (APCs).
  • All scientific institutions in Germany that are also entitled to participate in the Alliance and National Licences (including universities, universities of applied science, research institutions, state and regional libraries) can participate.

Consequences of the contract for Forschungszentrum Jülich:

  • Including open access journals, we currently have access to 180 journals. Thanks to this agreement, this number will be almost ten times as high in future.
  • All publications in subscription journals by a submitting corresponding author from Forschungszentrum Jülich will be published open access at no additional cost. As soon as a detailed workflow has been determined, ZB will provide the relevant information.
  • In contrast to most other institutions, there will be no change for us with regard to gold open access because our previous contract already gave us a 20 % discount on listed prices. ZB will continue to cover these costs starting in mid-2019 (added on 5 February).
  • How much each participating institution will have to pay has yet to be determined. Previous subscription fees and publication output will be the basis for these calculations. Given that Forschungszentrum Jülich already had a fairly favourable contract with Wiley relative to our publication output, no financial savings are expected. – Wiley und Projekt DEAL unterzeichnen Einigung: Kooperation beider Parteien soll Zukunft von Forschung und wissenschaftlichem Verlagswesen verbessern (15.01.2019) (in German)

Projekt DEAL – Nationwide licensing of services offered by major scientific publishers – about DEAL

Dr. Bernhard Mittermaier
Tel: 3013
Head of the Central Library

Last Modified: 07.06.2022