New Journal with Descriptions of Large-Scale Research Facilities Now Online

The Journal of large-scale research facilities ensures that large-scale scientific equipment can be cited. This makes it possible to demonstrate the use of large-scale facilities on the basis of citations in publications by external users. Scientific institutions are invited to submit articles on their large-scale facilities.

Screenshot – Journal of large-scale research facilities
Screenshot – Journal of large-scale research facilities

14 September 2015

As the first open-access journal of the Central Library (ZB), the Journal of large-scale research facilities makes it possible to cite large-scale equipment. Operators of large-scale facilities have the opportunity to describe their equipment in an article. Users of the facilities can cite the equipment unambiguously in their publications with the aid of the article. If the guidelines for the use of large-scale facilities specify that users should cite the equipment they use, it will be possible to evaluate the number of citations and other bibliometric information.

To date, more than thirty large-scale facilities of the Helmholtz Association have been described. Operators of large-scale research facilities at other institutions, universities, and enterprises are invited to submit articles.

The benefits for such institutions are:

  • institution named as author
  • simple and unambiguous citability of facilities since a DOI is assigned to each article/facility
  • easier evaluation of facility use

ZB promotes open access:

  • JLSRF is a gold open-access journal
  • there are no publication charges
  • licence: CC-BY 4.0

If you are interested in publishing an article on your large-scale facility, you will find important information from the Central Library on the journal website.
Templates in LaTeX and Word are ready to download.

Journal of large-scale research facilities (JLSRF)
Open Access: der Goldene Weg (HGF Open Science) (in German)
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License

Contact: Nadja Kalinna
Email: Support Contact – Journal of large-scale research facilities JLSRF
Tel: +49 2461 61-6123
Scientific Publishing Team

Last Modified: 26.02.2022