Price Transparency for Open Access Publication Fees

Visualization – Arcticle Processing Charge & Journals
Visualization on the project site (As of: 26 February 2015)
Datasets on fee-based Open Access publishing across German Institutions. Bielefeld University. 10.4119/UNIBI/UB.2014.18

27 February 2015
The Central Library is taking part in a project run by Bielefeld University Library and the German Initiative for Network Information e.V. (DINI).
The aim of the project is to comprehensively document the Open Access publication fees paid by universities and non-university research institutions in Germany.
In Forschungszentrum Jülich, the necessary costs of Open Access publications are paid by the ZB.

The figures for Forschungszentrum Jülich are available on the openapc-de project site:
Datasets on fee-based Open Access publishing across German Institutions (Bielefeld University)

Presentation given during [sic!] Jülich – ZB’s Helmholtz Open Science Workshop:
Open Access publication fund – a strategic instrument for information infrastructure (Heinz Pampel, HGF, 30.09.2014) (in German)
Article: Declaration of Open Access publication fees in Germany (Heinz Pampel, HGF, 7.11.2014) (in German)
Report: Price transparency Open Access publication fees in Germany (DINI, 11.11.2014) (in German)

Contacts for publishing fees:

Björn Rodenwaldt / Heike Lexis



Tel: +49 2461 61-6123 / -5367

Contact for openapc-de:

Dr. Claudia Frick

Email: c.frick (at)

Tel: +49 2461 61-6206

Last Modified: 26.02.2022