YouTuber Mai Thi Nguyen-Kim as a guest

9th May 2022

On Monday, 9 May 2022, science journalist Mai Thi Nguyen-Kim visited the Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine (INM) as part of a new series on the human brain for the ZDF format "Terra X".

During her one-day visit, the PhD chemist and well-known YouTuber first lay down in the MRI scanner at INM-4, where together with Dr. Jörg Felder (INM-4) and Prof. Simon Eickhoff (INM-7) she already gained a unique insight into her own brain on site. The actual evaluation of the MRI will follow in the next few days.

Nguyen-Kim was accompanied by a filming team at both stations. The results of the filming can be viewed at the link below.

YouTuber Mai Thi Nguyen-Kim as a guest

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Last Modified: 17.10.2023