Compressed sensing in sodium magnetic resonance imaging: techniques, applications and future prospects

17th December 2021

Qingping Chen, N. Jon Shah and Wieland A. Worthoff

Sodium magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) holds great potential for furthering our understanding of cell integrity and tissue viability relative to pathologies that do not display significant anatomical alternations. However, sodium MRI suffers from a relatively low signal-to-noise ratio and long acquisition times due to its low NMR sensitivity.

Compressed sensing-based (CS-based) methods have been shown to significantly accelerate sodium imaging and/or improve sodium image quality. In this article, the basic concepts of CS and how CS might be applied to improve sodium MRI are described, and the historical milestones of CS-based sodium MRI are briefly presented. Representative advanced techniques and evaluation methods are discussed in detail, followed by an expose of clinical applications in multiple anatomical regions and diseases as well as thoughts and suggestions on potential future research prospects of CS in sodium MRI.

Origional publication: Compressed Sensing in Sodium Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Techniques, Applications and Future Prospects

Last Modified: 29.11.2022