Annual Report 2021 published

The actual annual report of the IKP has been published and is available for download.

The cover picture shows a selection of various IKP-activities..

The top left picture shows the first HESR-cavity installed for test measurements in the COSY-ring with a sketch of the internal structure on the right side. Key feature is the cooling by air instead of water (lower impedance), allowing solid state amplifiers as drivers.

The middle part is related to a strawtube detector which was build at IKP for an upgrade of the HADES FAIR phase-0 experiment at GSI with in total 704 strawtubes in four double layers. A photo of the installation at HADES is seen on the left side and the color plot on the right side shows the hit distribution of one layer for a beam operation at HADES with illustrates the stable functioning of all strawtubes.

The plot in the bottom right part demonstrates the bunch-selective spin manipulation with the RF Wien filter for EDM studies of the JEDI experiment, shown in the photo on the left side. The COSY-beam was separated into two bunches and the Wien filter was switched on during only one bunch resulting in an oscillation of the beam polarization while the second bunch remains unaffected.

The annual report can be downloaded here.

Last Modified: 11.04.2022